Sunday 16 February 2014

I had such a good day!

I think another couple more pounds may have gone since I last posted.  The reason I think this is because I went to an exhibition today.  You know the kind, slow walking looking at stands, being in crowds etc.  Shuffling along in crowds normally puts such a strain on my hip making me stop frequently to allow the pain to subside.

Well that didn't happen today.  It ached a bit but there was none of the stinging pain.  That's lifted my spirits such a lot, so much so that husband and I went for a walk when we got home and I was quite comfortable!

I don't want to speak too soon because that's like tempting providence, but it's certainly spurred me on to keep trying with the new eating plan.  I did have a little slip up or two today though.  Our friends who came to the exhibition with us paid for lunch and I ended up having some chips!  Not too many but even so, naughty.  Also husband had some toffees in his pocket and was offering them round.  Damn, I am so WEAK, but they tasted blooming lovely.

Hey ho, tomorrow's a new day.

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